Friday, August 28, 2009

Great fan letter

A lovely lady who is even older than I am wrote me the following fantastic fan letter:

I think I will bypass the Vile Vial. But I may be in need of some of Professor Lepworthy's formula.

About 30 years ago a fly flew up my nose and though I blowed and blowed and coughed and swore a bit, it did not come out. It moved over into my cheek and caused a lot of ooohs and ahs before it dissolved.

I'm thinking I should be prepared just in case a beetle should try it. In the meantime keep buying your bug spray.

I love the book.

You never can tell who will connect. I love this letter.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone goes Audio

Good news! Today Houghton Mifflin was offered a deal to turn Petronella Saves Nearly Everyoneinto an audio book by Audible. Cool.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Second Petronella Book

The second Petronella book is now with the editor. Thanks for all the encouragement from friends and others who have read the first one. Let's hope the editor likes this one, too.