Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone

Go to bookstore now.
Buy Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone in the series The Entomological Tales of Augustus T. Percival.

I'm so excited about this book. The cover is wonderful and Jen Corace, the illustrator, did a great job of drawing the characters and some bugs and making cute beetles for the chapter headings and page numbers. It looks quite amazing.
Thanks to Kate O'Sullivan of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for all of her hard work and very astute advice.


Rebecca J. Carlson said...

Ha! I found you. So how's it going?

Rebecca J. Carlson said...

I tried, I tried, but the book wasn't in the computer system at Barnes & Noble. Well, now at least one bookstore employee in Nevada has heard your title.